How to Change Your PUR Water Filter: A Comprehensive Guide

In today’s health-conscious world, having access to clean and purified water is essential. Many people like to use PUR water filters to keep their water clean. To ensure your water stays pure and your filter works well, you must learn how to change it. This guide will show you how to change your pur water filter step by step.
How to Change Your PUR Water Filter
How to Change Your PUR Water Filter

Why Change Your PUR Water Filter?

Before diving into the how-to section, let’s understand why it’s essential to change your PUR water filter regularly. Changing your PUR water filter is essential for several reasons:

Maintains Water Quality:

Regular changes ensure clean, safe drinking water.

Prevents Bacterial Growth:

Replacing the filter prevents bacteria buildup.

Restores Water Flow:

New filters improve water flow.

Eliminates Unpleasant Tastes:

Fresh filters remove bad tastes and odors.

Ensures Optimal Filtration:

Keeps your system working at its best.

Saves Money:

Reduces repair costs and the need for bottled water.

Promotes Health:

Provides safe, contaminant-free water.

Environmental Benefits:

It helps reduce plastic waste by using tap water.

Changing your PUR water filter is easy. It helps keep your water clean, saves you money, and is good for the environment.

Signs It’s Time to Replace Your PUR Water Filter

Reduced Water Flow:

One of the most common signs that it’s time to change your PUR water filter is a noticeable reduction in water flow from your faucet. If you turn on the tap and the water trickles out rather than flowing steadily, it indicates that your filter may be clogged with impurities.

Strange Taste or Odor:

If you notice an unusual taste or odor in your tap water, it’s another sign that your filter needs replacement. A well-functioning PUR filter should effectively remove impurities that can affect the taste and smell of your water. You may detect an off-putting taste or odor when the filter is no longer doing its job.

Filter Lifespan:

PUR water filters typically come with a recommended lifespan, often in terms of gallons filtered or months of use. It’s essential to keep track of the last time you replaced your filter and adhere to the manufacturer’s guidelines. If you’ve exceeded the recommended lifespan, it’s time for a replacement to maintain optimal water quality.

Visual Inspection:

Occasionally, you can visually inspect the filter itself. Suppose you see an accumulation of sediments, discoloration, or signs of wear and tear on the filter material. In that case, it indicates it’s no longer effective and should be replaced.

Change Indicator Light:

Some PUR filter systems come equipped with a change indicator light. A light will turn on when the filter gets old or no longer works well. It means you need to replace it. If your PUR system has this feature, pay attention to it.

Decreased Water Quality:

If your filtered water has been getting worse, like being cloudy or having bits in it, your filter might be tired. Changing it can make your drinking water clean and clear again.

Reduced Filtration Efficiency:

Over time, the filtration efficiency of your PUR water filter may decline. It may no longer effectively remove contaminants like chlorine, lead, or bacteria. This reduction in performance can lead to compromised water quality, making a filter replacement necessary.

By recognizing these signs and acting promptly when you observe them, you can ensure that your PUR water filter continues to provide you with clean, safe, and great-tasting water. Regularly changing your filter is essential to maintaining the overall effectiveness of your water filtration system.

Gathering Your Supplies

Before you begin the filter replacement process, gather the necessary supplies:

  • New PUR Water Filter: Make sure you have a compatible replacement filter. Check your filter’s model to ensure compatibility.
  • Wrench or Pliers: Some PUR filter systems may require a wrench or pliers to help with removal.
  • A Bowl or Container: Have a container ready to catch any residual water that may spill during the process.

How to Change Your PUR Water Filter: Step by step Guide

Step 1: Turn Off the Water Supply

Before changing your PUR water filter, turning off the water supply to your faucet is crucial. This step is vital to prevent any water flow during the replacement, which can lead to spills and unnecessary mess.

Locate the shut-off valve beneath your sink to turn off the water supply. Turn the valve clockwise until it’s fully closed. This action will stop water flow to your PUR faucet filtration system, making it safe to replace the filter.

Step 2: Remove the Old Filter

You can now remove the old PUR water filter with the water supply safely turned off. The filter removal method may vary depending on your specific PUR system, but in most cases, it involves a simple twist-off motion.

If necessary, grip the old filter firmly but gently using your hands, a wrench, or pliers. Rotate it counterclockwise to loosen it from the filter housing. Be cautious not to apply excessive force, damaging the filter or the filter housing. The goal is to unscrew it smoothly.

Step 3: Drain Any Remaining Water

As you remove the old filter, be prepared for some residual water. To avoid creating a mess, place a bowl or container under the filter housing to catch this water. This step ensures that any remaining water in the filter or the housing doesn’t spill onto your countertop or floor.

Allow the water to flow into the container until it ceases, indicating that the old filter has been successfully removed.

Step 4: Prepare the New Filter

Unpack the new PUR water filter from its packaging. Take care to remove any protective coverings or seals that may be present. Handling the new filter with clean hands is essential to prevent contamination.

Inspect the new filter to ensure it’s your PUR system’s correct model and size. PUR filters come in various types, so ensure you have the right one for your filtration unit.

Step 5: Install the New Filter

Now that you have the new filter ready, it’s time to install it into the filter housing. Align the filter correctly with the housing and insert it, ensuring it fits snugly. Then, twist the new filter clockwise to secure it in place.

While doing this, be cautious not to over-tighten the filter, as this can make it challenging to remove during the next replacement. A firm, snug fit is all that’s needed.

Step 6: Flush the Filter

With the new filter securely in place, it’s time to flush it. Turn on the water supply by reopening the shut-off valve beneath your sink. Give the water a few minutes to run.

This flushing removes air bubbles and activates the filter, ensuring it’s ready to purify water effectively. While flushing, you might notice some initial cloudiness in the water, which is normal. It should clear up as you continue to run the water.

Step 7: Check for Leaks

After flushing the filter, please take a moment to inspect the filter and its connections for any signs of leaks. Carefully examine the area where the filter meets the housing and any adjoining pipes or connections.

If you observe any leaks, it’s essential to address them promptly. In most cases, tightening the filter slightly should eliminate the issue. Ensure the filter is securely in place and any connections are snug.

Step 8: Run a Test

Finally, it’s time to run a test to ensure that your newly installed PUR water filter is working correctly. Fill a glass with water from the filtered faucet and taste it. You should notice a significant improvement in the taste and odor of your water compared to before the filter replacement.

The water should now be fresh, clean, and free from strange tastes or odors. Suppose you encounter any issues at this stage, such as continued lousy taste or odors. In that case, it’s advisable to recheck the filter installation or consult your PUR system’s manual for troubleshooting tips.

By following these detailed steps, you can successfully change your PUR water filter, maintaining the quality of your drinking water and ensuring it remains free from impurities and contaminants.


Changing your PUR water filter is a simple yet crucial maintenance task that ensures the quality and safety of your drinking water. Following the step-by-step guide, you can easily replace your filter and enjoy clean, purified water.


1. How often should I change my PUR water filter?

PUR water filters typically have a recommended lifespan of two to three months. However, you should change your filter sooner if you notice reduced water flow or a change in water taste or odor.

2. Can I use my PUR system’s different water filter brand?

PUR’s replacement filters are recommended for optimal performance and compatibility with your PUR system.

3. Is it necessary to turn off the water supply before changing the filter?

Yes, turning off the water supply to prevent spills and ensure a smooth filter replacement process is essential.

4. What should I do if I encounter leaks after changing the filter?

If you notice leaks, try tightening the filter slightly to eliminate them. Ensure that the filter is securely in place.

5. Can I recycle my old PUR water filter?

Yes, you can recycle your old PUR water filter. Check with your local recycling center for proper disposal or recycling options instructions.

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