How to Remove Rotten Egg Smell from Washing Machine

Welcome to the comprehensive guide on banishing that unpleasant rotten egg smell from your washing machine. A clean, fresh-smelling washing machine ensures your clothes come out clean and fresh. In this step-by-step guide, we’ll delve into “How to Remove Rotten Egg Smell from Washing Machine” and the reasons behind this odor and explore practical solutions to eliminate it.

How to Remove Rotten Egg Smell from Washing Machine
How to Remove Rotten Egg Smell from Washing Machine

Why Does Your Washing Machine Smell Like Rotten Eggs?

Understanding the root cause is the crucial first step in resolving any problem. If your washing machine smells like rotten eggs, it’s usually because of leftover soap, water, and fuzz. These things mix up and make a perfect place for germs to grow, causing a terrible stink. Opening your washing machine only to be met with this foul scent indicates that action is needed. Let’s delve into how to identify and effectively tackle this malodorous issue.

Identifying the Source of the Rotten Egg Smell

Pinpointing the exact source of the smell is essential for finding an effective solution. Is it emanating from the drum, the drain pump filter, or the detergent drawer? We’ll help you find the smelly problem in your washing machine. Look at each part individually; soon, your laundry will smell good again.

The Drum

Begin by inspecting the drum, the central component of your washing machine. As time passes, soap and softener bits can build up and make a home for germs. First, clean the drum well to get rid of the stinky smell.

The Drain Pump Filter

People often forget about the drain pump filter, worsening the bad smell. Find and clean the filter to take out the fuzz and stuff. Keep doing this regularly to stop odors and keep your washing machine healthy.

The Detergent Drawer

The detergent drawer is another potential hiding spot for unpleasant smells. Residues from detergents and softeners can accumulate here, creating an unwelcome environment. We’ll help you check and clean the soap drawer so your machine always smells good.

If you follow these steps, you can stop the stinky smell from your washing machine and always have nice-smelling laundry.

DIY Cleaning Method: How to Remove Rotten Egg Smell from Washing Machine

If your washer smells bad, like rotten eggs, don’t worry. Follow these easy steps to remove the stink and keep your machine clean and fresh.

Necessary Precautions Before Deodorizing Washer:

Before diving into cleaning, it’s essential to take precautions. Safety first! Please turn off your washing machine, unplug it, and gather the necessary materials. We’ll show you the steps to keep you safe and ensure your washing machine stays okay while removing smells.

Materials Needed:

  • White Vinegar:

  • Baking Soda:

  • Lemon Juice:

  • Old Toothbrush or Scrub Brush:

  • Microfiber Cloth or Sponge:

  • Clean, Dry Cloth or Towel:

Step 1: Cleaning the Drum

The heart of the washing machine – the drum. Over time, detergent and fabric softener residues can accumulate, creating an unpleasant smell. Learn how to clean it, removing accumulated grime and eliminating the odor at its source. A clean drum not only eliminates odors but also enhances the longevity of your machine.

Step 2: Inspecting the Drain Pump Filter

If the drain pump filter is clogged, it can make your washing machine smell bad. Locate the filter, remove any debris, and thoroughly clean it. Learn how to find and clean this part that people often forget about to make your washing machine clean. Regular filter maintenance prevents future odors and keeps your machine running smoothly.

Step 3: Checking the Detergent Drawer

Sometimes, the detergent drawer harbors hidden surprises. Over time, residues can build up, creating a breeding ground for bacteria. We’ll guide you through inspecting and cleaning this area to ensure a fresh-smelling machine after every use. Take notice of this small but crucial component in your battle against the rotten egg smell.

Step 4: Deodorizing with Baking Soda

Baking soda is a versatile and powerful deodorizer. Learn the correct way to use it to neutralize odors and leave your washing machine smelling clean and fresh. A cup of Baking soda absorbs unpleasant smells and helps break down stubborn stains and residues. Follow our step-by-step guide to harness the deodorizing power of this kitchen staple.

Step 5: Vinegar Rinse

Vinegar, a natural disinfectant, can work wonders in eliminating unpleasant smells. Discover the proper steps to conduct a vinegar rinse and say goodbye to the rotten egg odor. The acidity of vinegar helps break down residues and kills bacteria, leaving your machine sanitized and smelling fresh. Follow our guide for a vinegar rinse that revitalizes your washing machine.

Step 6: Running a Hot Water Cycle

Hot water can help flush out residual odors and ensure a deep clean. Learn to run a hot water cycle effectively, ensuring your washer is odor-free. Hot water is effective in dissolving detergent residues and preventing the buildup of bacteria. Our guide allows you to use this technique safely and efficiently.

Step 7: Regular Maintenance Tips

Prevention is key to maintaining a fresh-smelling washing machine. We’ll provide practical tips for regular maintenance, saving you from future odor woes. Wipe the rubber gasket and leave the door open after using – easy habits that help keep your washing machine from smelling bad.

Professional Cleaning Options

Importance of Professional Cleaning Services

For persistent smells, consider professional cleaning services. Experts can disassemble and clean machine parts that are challenging to reach during regular maintenance.

Hiring a Professional Technician

Hiring a professional technician is advisable if the smell persists despite DIY efforts. They can identify and address underlying issues that may be causing the odor.

Maintenance Tips

Checking for Leaks

Regularly inspect your washing machine for leaks. Any standing water can contribute to mold growth, and unpleasant rotten egg smells coming from your washing Machine.

Cleaning the Lint Filter

Clean the lint filter after each use to prevent the accumulation of lint and debris, which can contribute to foul odors.

Emptying the Drain Pump Filter

Periodically empty the drain pump filter to remove trapped debris and prevent odors.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

In the quest for a fresh-smelling washing machine, avoid common pitfalls to ensure an effective laundry routine. Recognizing and avoiding these errors is crucial for maintaining a trouble-free appliance. Let’s highlight these mistakes and offer insights for an optimized washing machine care routine.

Neglecting Regular Cleaning

Don’t underestimate the importance of regular cleaning. A clean machine prevents the buildup of residues, moisture, and bacteria, avoiding unpleasant odors. Make regular cleaning, as our guide outlines, a fundamental part of your routine.

Overlooking the Detergent Drawer

The detergent drawer is often neglected but plays a crucial role. Ignoring it can lead to residue buildup and bacteria growth. Regularly inspect and clean the detergent drawer to ensure an effective washing machine cleanse.

Ignoring the Rubber Gasket

The rubber around the door, especially in front loading washers, can trap wetness and leftovers, making a stinky smell. Please include it in your routine to maintain a fresh interior.

Using Excessive Detergent

More detergent doesn’t mean cleaner clothes; it leads to residue buildup. Follow the manufacturer’s recommendations for optimal balance and machine performance.

Ignorance of Load Size Guidelines

Overloading or underloading impacts cleanliness and efficiency. Adhere to load size guidelines for effective cleaning and energy efficiency.

Neglecting Professional Assistance

Persistent odors or mechanical issues shouldn’t be ignored. Seek professional help when needed to diagnose and resolve problems promptly.

Don’t make these mistakes. Follow our tips to make your washing machine work better, stay clean, and last longer. A proactive approach guarantees a trouble-free laundry experience and a consistently fresh-smelling appliance.

Benefits of a Fresh-Smelling Washer

Enhanced Laundry Experience

A fresh-smelling washing machine enhances the overall laundry experience, ensuring your clothes come out smelling clean and pleasant.

Prolonged Appliance Lifespan

Regular maintenance and odor prevention measures can contribute to a longer lifespan for your washing machine. Avoiding unpleasant smells also indicates a healthier and more hygienic appliance.


With these comprehensive steps, your washing machine will be odor-free and optimized for better performance. Follow these guidelines, and say goodbye to the rotten egg smell for good. Your laundry experience will be enhanced, and your clothes will thank you for the fresh start.


Can I use bleach to remove the smell?

Certainly! Bleach is an effective odor eliminator. However, use it sparingly to prevent damage to your machine. Follow our guidelines for safe and efficient use.

How often should I clean my washing machine?

Regular cleaning is recommended every 1-2 months but adjusted based on usage and the severity of the odor. Our guide helps you establish a cleaning routine that suits your machine’s needs.

Is it okay to combine baking soda and vinegar?

Yes, but use caution. While combining them in a washing cycle can be effective, please don’t mix them directly to avoid a chemical reaction. We provide detailed instructions for safely using these ingredients in combination.

Why does the smell return after cleaning?

Persistent smells may indicate hidden mildew and mold. Ensure thorough cleaning of all components and consider professional assistance if needed. Our guide addresses this common issue and provides solutions for long-lasting freshness.

Can I use essential oils for a pleasant scent?

Put a few drops of your favorite smelly oil in the soap drawer to make your clothes smell good. We share tips on incorporating essential oils for a personalized touch.

Is professional cleaning necessary?

You might need professional cleaning if your home tricks don’t fix the smell. Check your machine’s manual and use our tips to know when to ask for help from the experts.

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